Tickled Ink

Tickled Ink


Kentucky Derby

Custom Design, Poster, InvitationsEmily Johnson

One May 2, 2015, the Laurelwood Garden Club (a social club on Lookout Mountain) had their annual Spring Party with the Kentucky Derby theme. It was such a fun party, and we were honored to be able to have the party at the beautiful home of Chattanooga's very own (and famous, might I add) interior designer, Michelle Workman. Michelle is actually from Los Angeles and moved to Lookout Mountain and we are so blessed to have her here! Michelle's beautiful home is on a farm, so the party was located outside of her barn. It was such a perfect location for a Kentucky Derby themed party!

Because I was in charge of the invitations and planning, I had a great time with the Derby theme. I designed names for the horses that were strung on each stable, glasses with the Derby logo that I designed, napkins with the logo, invitations, a Derby day sign, and stir sticks. Here are some of the photos that I designed for the party (and yes, you can order these for your own Derby party!), and some of the design elements. We had such a great time cheering on the horses, drinking mint juleps, and wearing our big hats!